Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter sheep on ship

15 minutes, okay?
Should have known those people better and now they they put sheep on a fishing ship to ship to China. Unbelievable transformation. And the name of the ship is "Miss Sustain-ability".
I know there is no choice: big Sis is going on that ship so I can write this story that all of us can read.
My trembling hand struggles to take notes. I hear the motors of the turbines twirling and as I squint hard to protect my eyes from the early morning light  I hear the sheep letting loose baas that echo through the pipes of what was once a fishing trawler.

Big Sis is on the ramp and I'm writing this now because possibly she's going to part  forever and I don't want to think about it but her fur is splendid and her eyes deep and round and she looks at me one last time and says something but all I can hear is the turbines and I'm tempted to take off my top hat and run to see the Captain, that pig of a Captain overlooking the deck with his flat nose just pretending it's business as usual even though he has gotten sick of fish and now uses his boat to fret sheep across the South China Sea. All the sheep are boarding, 50 in one go; it's frightening. Suddenly I'm distracted by the Chinese satellite that is burning into the atmosphere overhead.

I can hear the Captain laughing; see the spit spraying through his teeth and as his ship pulls out he turns to me and yells, "I will use the burning ambers of the Tiangong-1 
Space Station to roast myself some nice sisterly Easter lamb! Hahahahahaaaa!"

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